"If I want to encourage young
people back home to get to where I am,
I have to be an example."
“Now my son will have the opportunities
to make his dreams come true.”
“Today I work in a male dominated work force.
My father would be so proud of me.”
6 Leadership Traits

6 Leadership Traits

Being a leader is not easy, but the rewards can be phenomenal. If you work at it, you could be the next to join the ranks of the few remarkable leaders that have come before you. Here are a few qualities that every future leader should possess.

1.Empathy is a trait that extraordinary leaders possess. Guiding employees through challenges and constantly searching for solutions leads to long-term success.  It is important to praise in public and address problems in private. Leaders look for constructive solutions rather than making things personal, when dealing with problems.

  1. Accountability is extremely important when it comes to leadership. Leaders take accountability for their entire team’s performance, including their own. They constantly check, monitor and follow up on employee’s issues, deadlines, company policies and procedures. If any problems arise, they are addressed and solved quickly and efficiently.
  2. Confidence is a standard trait that all leaders have. Leaders that exude confidence do not give in to challenges easily, as they know their ideas, strategies and opinions are well-informed. If they are wrong, they are quick to take responsibility and act. Also a leader’s confidence is infectious and employees are naturally drawn to them for advice.
  3. Honesty is a very important trait for a leader to possess. Remarkable leaders are extremely ethical and believe that success is built on the foundation of honesty, reliability and effort. Leaders embody these values so overtly, by sharing information openly, that no employee doubts their integrity.
  4. Focus, planning ahead and being supremely organized is what separates an ordinary leader from an extraordinary leader. Leaders communicate their plans to the key players and have back up plans in the event that last-minute changes require a new direction (which they often do).
  5. Inspiration is the final trait a leader needs to possess to be extraordinary. Putting all the above traits together make a truly inspirational leader. This leader communicates clearly, concisely, and often, and by doing so motivates everyone to give his or her best all the time. Extraordinary leaders challenge their people by setting high but attainable standards and expectations. These Leaders make sure their employees are then given tools, support and training to pursue those expectations and become the best employees they can possibly be.