"If I want to encourage young
people back home to get to where I am,
I have to be an example."
“Now my son will have the opportunities
to make his dreams come true.”
“Today I work in a male dominated work force.
My father would be so proud of me.”
Securing the Future of South Africa with Artisan Training

Securing the Future of South Africa with Artisan Training

Ask any young person what they want to be when they leave school, and you will probably get a fairly similar answer. Specialised professions that offer exceptional salaries and perks are generally the order of the day, and so we are living in a time where the current job market is being lambasted with university leavers with psychology, marketing, communication and business degrees that seem to offer no real prospects of ideal employment once they have been completed. This presents a serious problem for the future of South Africa and its job market. Problems that we will need to meet collectively as a nation, if we have any hope of building a stronger economy and a more liveable country.

Saturated by Bachelors

Walk into any first-year lecture hall for a Batchelor’s degree and you will see the same thing each year. Hundreds, if not thousands of hopefuls who have enrolled in a particular course simply to get the credentials for better employment opportunities. Out of all of these students, only a handful will actually apply themselves and progress from strength to strength and eventually make the most out of their skills; while many others, on the other hand, will get the degree (or indeed lose interest and drop out), only to go into the working world with about as many opportunities as they had before they started studying. This saturation presents a problem not only to individuals who get less than they bargained for in a competitive job market, but also begs questions to the future of South African infrastructure and trades, the skills of which are largely absent and underdeveloped.

Where are the Skilled Labourers?

Though there is still a need for specialised artisans. Those who can manufacture goods, work on construction sites, conduct electrical or plumbing services or add to the education dynamic of South Africa. Less and less prospective are taking artisan courses as opposed to bachelor’s degrees since they (unfairly) don’t enjoy the same status. However, if we wish to progress as a country, vital roles will need to be filled by artisans with the skill and experience to innovate and create sustainable infrastructure. How do we do this? We need to remind school-leavers of the importance of artisan roles in the development of a country, and provide the necessary training as well.

Making Training More Accessible

Perhaps the biggest challenge that needs to be addressed in this regard is the delivery of quality training programmes that are affordable and accessible by everyone. Spending power is often the problem in this regard, especially in countries such as South Africa where poverty is a part of the daily struggle.

Contact the Tiso Foundation for Details

The Tiso Foundation aims to brighten our future by meeting these problems head-on. We supply bursary and educational programmes in South Africa to disadvantaged individuals that will help empower themselves through skills development. Contact us today or visit our website for further details