"If I want to encourage young
people back home to get to where I am,
I have to be an example."
“Now my son will have the opportunities
to make his dreams come true.”
“Today I work in a male dominated work force.
My father would be so proud of me.”

Tiso Foundation Masters Scholarship

Applications for our Masters Scholarship, for 2024 funding is closed.

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The Tiso Foundation Masters Scholarship was established in 2015 to create access for academically excellent black youth to pursue a Master’s. The scholarship is a competitive award that offers honours graduates an opportunity to further themselves through a higher postgraduate qualification. Students should have excelled both academically and in leadership roles. The programme aims to award two scholarships annually

Candidates must meet the following requirements:

 Applicants must be South African Citizens aged between 18 and 35 years
 Must have completed an honours or MTech
 Must be unemployed
 The funding is towards full-time study only
 Applicants must be provisionally accepted for a Master’s programme at the University
 Applicants must be black as per BBBEE (Black, Coloured or Indian)

Please follow us on social media and keep checking our website for further info.